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She also helped me decipher through all the sleep associations and what to let go, and what to keep! Matilda still loves her dummy, as have her two sisters, and I’m so glad I didn't force her to wean off it.

When I had my third baby, I thought it was a no brainer. My first two were challenging sleep wise to say the least, so I thought I knew it all! Matilda slept soundly until we left the hospital.

Once we were home I realised I’d either forgotten everything, or this baby knew something I didn’t! She couldn’t settle no matter what I tried and I was feeling desperate that she and I have some rest.

Lisa from Sleep Gems literally saved my sanity. Her calm and motherly nature put us both at ease which flowed onto the rest of the family!

She put in place gentle settling methods which involved no crying it out or otherwise and more importantly restored my faith in myself that I could do it!

She also helped me decipher through all the sleep associations and what to let go, and what to keep! Matilda still loves her dummy, as have her two sisters, and I’m so glad I didnt force her to wean off it.

I will be forever grateful to Lisa and Sleep Gems for helping me and more importantly Matilda to find comfort in sleep. She is now 12 months and loves going to bed and snuggling in!

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