Before we met Lisa from Sleep Gems we were really struggling. Whilst Sophie had never slept through the night, she had been a manageable sleeper until about 4 months old. It was then that she started to wake more and more frequently at night, as well as being more and more difficult to get down during the day for naps. We were using the baby carrier to get her to sleep for every nap, and we often walked the house for hours at a time in the middle of the night. We were also still wrapping her which was a habit we needed to break. Sophie was often grumpy, and so were we!
When Sophie was 6 and a half months old we called Lisa. She explained the importance of babies needing to find their comfy spot in the cot (no more wrapping!) and she talked us through a few things we could start to implement before her visit. We really appreciated her gradual and gentle approach, we didn’t have to make major changes straight away. When Lisa visited to help us with Sophie’s first nap using her settling techniques, we had a very angry baby on our hands, a baby who was used to being picked up at any cry and who had almost never fallen asleep by herself. But things very quickly improved. The next day Sophie had two naps of over 2 hours each. Yes, there was crying, but we could always attend to Sophie and let her know we were there. Within a week she was settling by herself in the cot for almost every nap. Every nap was a decent length. We felt human again. Sophie was happier. We felt like we had started to be the parents we wanted to be - setting fair limits that Sophie had to adapt to, whilst still being there for her to help her get there.
Lisa’s friendly, nurturing yet decisive attitude as well as her settling techniques and her help with our routine was a godsend!
The nights improved by themselves, almost immediately she went from waking 6 times a night to only waking 3 times. One of these wake ups is around the dream feed time, one is early morning, so really it’s only once!
We are happy with that but our next step is to drop that middle of the night feed. Lisa has given us the confidence to know that we can do it.
Thank you Lisa and Sleep Gems! Where would we be without you? All the best Lisa, and thanks again! Eleanor, Jake and Sophie